Member since 1995
Former Associations:
- Self-employed Building Surveyor
- Founding member, former chairperson and treasurer of Junction Support. Largest not for profit support service in North East Victoria for the reduction of poverty and homelessness.
Former Associations:
- Building Surveyor for the Rural City of Wangaratta for 43 years
- Committee Member of St Johns Village Inc. (Aged Care) (1974 - 1996)
- Director of Merriwa Industries Ltd
- Committee Member – Anglican Cathedral College Wangaratta
Dr Matt ByrneMember since 1989
Jay ComensoliMember since 1986
Peter VersteegenMember since 1983
Fr Mike PullarChairman
Member since April 2013
John McSwineyVice Chairman
Member since November 2006
Former Associations:
Michael CarlileDeputy Vice Chairman
Member since May 2014
Former Associations:
Fr Mike PullarChairman
Member since April 2013
Michael CarlileDeputy Vice Chairman
Member since May 2014
Former Associations:
- Certified Practising Accountant
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Diploma Leadership and Management
- Diploma Applied Science Nursing
- Graduate Diploma Gerontology
- Graduate Diploma Administration
Something nice for Adrian?
We were overwhelmed by the care and compassion shown to mum and all our family (Brizzi Family).
Thanks seems quite inappropriate as to thank you properly for all that you do would run to pages. You know the effort you put in, and the results are plain to see every visit we have made. I'm pretty sure that all who stay at St Caths are spoiled rotten and I quickly found that so are there visitors.
Your level of care is second to none and the helpfulness and friendliness of you and your staff is simply wonderful.
We came as visitors and left as friends (Emlbin Family).
It was you who gave our mum exemplary nursing care with stellar kindness and compassion. You touched our hearts and comforted our spirits during such a difficult time.
You made sure our mum was comfortable. You honoured her dying wishes. You treated her with respect and dignity. When we thought our hearts were completely broken , you treated us with compassion and grace.
We send gratitude and appreciation to you all for wonderful care and friendship for the time Barbara was with you (Moore Family).