The thought of entering residential care permanently can trigger feelings of anxiety. Often the process is viewed as complicated and overwhelming.
To assist you and your love ones navigate through this new life journey we have detailed what we consider are the key steps involved in the planning.
A representative from the ACAS team will visit you at home, and talk with you about your current lifestyle and care needs.
For more information, please speak with your doctor, visit the My Aged Care website or call My Aged Care at 1800 200 422. |
Find the right home for youDeciding which Residential Care Facility is right for you or a loved one depends on personal preference. As individuals we all have specific requirements. At St Catherine's, we aim to be as personal and accommodating as possible.
We invite you to visit us at St Catherine's and to have a tour to meet with residents and members of our staff. This will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss the care, support and lifestyle you are seeking. Whatever your individual interests, this is the time to ask questions. You’ll soon get a sense of the culture of the home, and the values of those who work here. |
Understand the costsTo assist us determine the costs applicable to your individual circumstances and financial situation we recommend completing a Department of Human Services Permanent Residential Aged Care Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment. Upon completion you will receive a determination letter which will assist our St Catherine's staff confirm the exact cost of care associated with your individual financial position.
We encourage you or your loved one to seek financial advice prior to making any decisions to get a full understanding of your financial situation. The cost of residential aged care consists of care fees and accommodation fees which can be broken up into the following:
Recording your name for permanent careIf you or your loved one is ready to become a permanent resident, you will need to contact us to arrange a meeting. This will provide you with the opportunity to meet our management team to discuss your care requirements. We can provide information about our services and give you a tour of St Catherine’s.
Prior to committing to permanent care we encourage you or your loved one to trial respite first, this provides an excellent opportunity to experience the care and lifestyle we provide before making any decisions. By being on our waiting list you are not committing to anything. We understand you don’t want to fill out paperwork or applications to become a permanent resident, so we won’t make you. All we require is a simple personal details form completed and we will manage everything else on your behalf. |
When do I know when to move in?When an opportunity becomes available we will contact you at the earliest opportunity to offer permanent residency and discuss a date to move in.
Whilst waiting on a room to become available, we encourage you to stay in touch and provide us with updates of any changes in health or care requirements. Prior to moving in we will provide you with a Resident and Accommodation Agreement outlining agreed fees and charges, services, rights and responsibilities. This is a legal document that needs to be signed prior to your entry date. Our management team are dedicated to explaining and ensuring your understanding of the agreement. |
Moving-inOver the years we have sought feedback from previous residents and families on ways we can make moving into St Catherine's a more settling and homely experience. We have listened, so when you or your loved one moves in on the agreed entry date you have the ability to furnish the room with your own furnishings and decorate it in a way that is personal to you.
We will provide the bed, linen and any high care equipment requirements, the rest of the furniture is up to you so you have ownership. When you arrive we have dedicated staff who will assist you settle in. |
Still have questions?
Naturally you’re going to have many questions now and into the future, our caring and dedicated team are available to assist you or your loved one at any time.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Additional information, tools and resources can be obtained via the many links on our Information page.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Additional information, tools and resources can be obtained via the many links on our Information page.